
Prayers, good vibes, hopes, dreams, faith, and praise. During this crazy time, it is my hope that every one reading this little post is spending few minutes each day praying, sending good vibes, hoping for things to get back to normal, dreaming of a better tomorrow, having faith we will all get through this, and praising whomever you believe in.

I start my day each with a devotional or two or more. It is the most important part of my day. It can set my mood for the day. It’s where I pray for my family and friends or whatever else is on my mind. It’s where I give thanks. This time each day brings me a sense of peace.

With everything closed, I hope you will find some time to do or at least try one of those things – pray, hope, dream, or praise. Sit outside, look at the beautiful world around you, and take some deep breaths. Look up. Let hope rise. It is amazing what those few moments of peace can do for you. Find something to be grateful for.

Stay home. Stay healthy.

XOXO, Jane Anne

Choose hope.

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