
Have you ever laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? Have you ever laughed so hard you had tears running down your face? What about laughing so much you have tears running down your face, your cheeks hurt, your sides hurt, and you then you snort? What about hearing someone laugh that uncontrollable laugh that makes you laugh because they are laughing? Or seeing that same person laugh, and they are laughing with their entire body? Laughter truly is the best.

After spending a weekend with friends for some much needed time away, I realized how much I love it. Inside jokes, quick wit, good drinks and good stories, made-up words, costume parties, bad dancers, funny texts and snaps, and Rodney Dangerfield made for more laughter than I could have ever imagined. Laughter takes away stress. Laughter makes you feel good. Laughing with friends brings you closer. Laughing was one of the best parts of the weekend. Laughing is one of my favorite things everyday.

Being able to make someone smile and laugh is a gift. Finding humor in a stressful day makes the day so much better. Sharing humor with others can make their day brighter but can also make your day just as bright. Spend time with your friends and family that make you laugh. It makes you feel good, and who doesn’t love feeling good.

There is so much joy in laughter. I love people that make me laugh, especially when they can make my cheeks hurt, sides hurt, and tears run down my face. Find that joy. Laugh a little… or a lot!

And to the people who make me laugh and bring me joy, thank you with my whole heart. You are the best!

xoxo, Jane Anne

Me too Audrey!
Don’t waste a day.
Always find a reason to laugh.